
January Running


So in January I wrote This post on 31 miles in 31 days about challenging my body to run, more then I have before and to stick with something and see it through.  I'm not always good on follow through.  And I give up way too easily..  call it laziness, call it complacency..  whatever.  I don't see things through.  So, as I began to make some changes in how I eat and as I started running a little more then before, I challenged myself.  31 miles in 31 days for the month of January. 

And I did it.  I actually did 31 miles in 29 days..  and my last run of the month was a 4.25 mile run.  And it was really hard!  But I did it.  ran the whole stinkin thing.  But even more then running 4.25 miles at one time - I stuck w/ running for the month.  I made myself run when I really didn't want to - even if it meant going to the unheated, dusty, unfinished, stone walled basement to run 1 or 2 miles on the treadmill while the kids sat on a blanket watching a show on the IPAD.  I did it.  When I was tired.. I ran.  When I was overwhelmed and stressed.. I ran.  When I was feeling good.. I ran.  And I enjoyed it.  Most days.  But I also felt myself get faster and running get easier.  And I know that surprises me and it shouldn't..  because of course if you stick to something long enough..  you get better. 

So, I have no new challenge for February.  And February started on a youth retreat, and then a snow storm..  and I havn't run in nearly a week.  But I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I'll run again.  Maybe tomorrow, or maybe next week.  And maybe by next week I'll think of a challenge for March.  But for now, I'm okay with not having a challenge. 

Thanks to all of you who encouraged me and were excited along with me as I ran.  The accountability was good for me, as was the fun of knowing people were following along!  :)

I also read a really good book in January that I want to do a post on AND I went on a really fabulous youth retreat that I'll post about too.  And it snowed a lot in January.  And I think it's going to snow a lot in February.  So..  there's all that too. 

Snow, books, retreats, runs..  It's all Good. 

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