
Testimony Tuesday

Thieves has seriously become one of my favorite oils!  First - it smells great.  Love!  Secondly...  I'm pretty sure it has helped to keep my family healthy this year (so far).  Hannah's birthday is in the beginning of October.  And every year..  around her birthday.  as we move from summer into fall and those colds begin..  Hannah ends up with a cold and an ear infection.  I think for her - it was part cold/part allergies that just got too bad and end up in her ears.

 This year..  along with doing an oil allergy mix (lavender/lemon/peppermint - of which I'll share more about in another Tuesday Testimony) - I have used Thieves..  a lot.  And ya know what?  We made it through the fall without even getting a cold.  No cold, no allegies, no ear infection, no Dr. visit and no antibiotic.

Lavender has been another great oil in keeping those yucky ear infections away.  Just over Christmas break, we were up at my mom's for 2 days.  I took my diffuser and some of my oils..  because - well..  I'm attached!  The second day there, Hannah slowly took on a fever, complained of a sore throat and her ears bugging her.  I did not even have with me any children's medicine.  But - I had my oils!  Of course.  I rolled Thieves onto her spine.  Rubbed drops of lavender around the outside of her ears, and also put peppermint on her feet and lemon on her back.  But the time we had gotten home that night, her fever was up high and she was pretty wiped out.  I kept up the oils and also did give her a dose of childrens medicine to help with the fever.  Within 2 hours - the fever was gone.  The next morning - she woke up completely better.  :)  No more fever.  No sore thoat, no ear infections.  Normally - that first day would have led into more days of fevers, ear infections and drs visits..  always  - that is how it would work for her.  Not this time.  Nope!

So how do I use the oils?  What do I do?  Simple!  I diffuse a lot.  At least every other night I diffuse 2 or 3 drops of thieves in the kids diffusers.  I also made up a thieves roll on (about 20 drops of thieves and the rest a fractionated coconut oil to dilute) in a roll on bottle and I roll that on the kids spines (and mine) and on their feet.  Not every day..  but def. when it seems that something is starting to come on..  or we're around someone who is sick..  or..  when I think of it!  Thieves can also be used ingested.. - you can put a drop under your tongue to ward off a sore throat.  Be careful though - it's spicey!  Or you can gargle it and swallow.  I have to be honest.. - I havn't gotten there yet!  For Lavender..  I diffuse it, put a drop on my hands and rub it on my pillow at night to help with sleeping.. and I've used it on a bad burn I had on my hand - it helps with healing and there is no scar!  I have also used it around Asher's ears, Hannah's ears and my own ears when I have felt an ear ache coming on.

So far - this winter - we're good!

If you are interested in finding out more about how oils could help your family - email me; Jamielindtner@gmail.com     I would love to see your family benefit from the use of oils just like our family has!

I am not a Dr and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any diseases. The Oil images are from YoungLiving.  

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