
on why I am not dumping ice water on my head

It's all over Facebook,  Instagram,  Twitter.  People posting videos of them showing support for ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) by dumping a bucket of ice cold water on their head and hopefully also donating money to the research and treatment of this awful disease.  It's working too.  It's making headlines.  People are becoming more aware of ALS and money is being raised.  And that is awesome.  Really it is.

But I'm not going to pour water on my head and post a video of myself.  And it's not because I don't care about ALS and the many people who have suffered through it and are currently suffering through the degenerative disease.  I do care.  And I pray that a cure is found, or better treatment so people who have this disease can live more comfortably and longer lives.

But I'm not going to pour water on my head or post a video of myself.  Because ALS is not what I personally want to promote.  I appreciate those who have a passion for supporting the ALS cause, I am thankful for that.  But my heart is pulled to other things.  And I don't want to just go out and pour water on my head because it's what everyone else is doing.

And if you donated to support ALS - Thank you.  And if you raised awareness by pouring water on your head and posting a video of that - Thank you.

I want to tell you about 3 ministries/causes that I am excited about, and will offer a donation to in support of what they are doing.  And I encourage you to find something that you are passionate about, something that breaks your heart - and get invovled with that, donate to that.

YoungMoms is a program locally that seeks to empower teen moms to reach their potential as women and moms.  I spent about 2 years leading a bible study with some of these teen moms and I was so blessed to be able to sit and share the Gospel with them and to talk about being a mom.  I love this ministry.  I love these girls.  I admire them and how hard they work as 16, 17, 18 year old girls and moms.

The Philadelphia Project is a Christian non-profit organization committed to the holistic development of the neighboring community in partnership with the local church.  I have taken students to participate in this as a mission week and weekend and we have loved serving and worshiping, growing in our faith and sharing life with home owners in Philly.  I saw the beginnings of this ministry and it has grown and been blessed and is doing Kingdom work here in the Philadelphia area.  So many lives are being changed because this ministry is being obedient to God's call to serve and love.  I'm excited to see how Philly will change because of the work of The Philadelphia Project.

Samaritans Purse goes to the ends of the earth to care for the poor, the sick and the desolute.  After Jesus shared the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, he told his followers to - "Go and do likewise."  That is the mission of Samaritans Purse - to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiminig the hope of the Gospel.

There are so many other ministries and causes that I care so much about..  so many things that I could share here and promote and bring awareness too.. - the plight of orphans, sex trafficking of women and children, hunger, abuse of children and animals, homelessness...  these are the things (and others) that break my heart, that keep me up at night in prayer, that bring me to my knees in helplessness.

What breaks your heart?  What is God piercing your heart for?  What can you call attention to?

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