
VBS Fun and Promises


I can’t believe it’s August already..  and summer is quickly winding down.  We have been busy – but I’m not sure with what!

We spent the day at the beach and loved it! 


I’ve been busy with youth projects and preparing for the fall and a MOPS leadership retreat and trying to exercise..  or not.. 

Visits with friends and lots of time at the pool


But one of our very favorite memories this summer was our time at VBS!  This was the first year that my kids were really into it..  Asher now old enough to be a part of VBS and Hannah in the nursery with a wonderful lady who did a program for the wee ones too! 

The theme was God’s promises..  and we came home the first day with a CD with all the songs on it..  and the CD has not stopped playing! Seriously, my kids love the music and and it is on every time we are in the car!  I can’t say I mind..  I mean my kids are singing about how God cares for them, and hears them and saves them and loves the whole world.  It does my heart good to hear my nearly 3 year old my 4 year old praising God like that. 


And it’s been good for me to.  Singing over and over again that God’s promises don’t lie and they are forever and that he gives us what we need all according to HIS glory..  wow..  my heart has been full the last few weeks as I sing God’s promises.  What a tremendous message for me to be singing every day. 


I dropped my kids off at my in-laws this morning so they could spend the day there and as I was driving to Walmart…..  (yes I live life on the edge when I have the day to myself…) I was listening to other worship music and reflecting on God’s promises in my life and I had one of those holy moments..  you know..  the kind of moment where you know God is teaching you, reminding you, molding you..  to be more like him. 


I was singing ‘How Great is Our God, sing with me..  how Great is our God..” when the moment hit.. 

God is great ALL the time..  and he’s great not because of what he is going to do in my life tomorrow, or next week or next year…  he’s not great because he gives me what I want or need…  or because my life is easy or not easy.. 

God is great because of WHAT HE ALREADY HAS DONE in my life.. 

Let me say that again.. 

God is great, and I can sing that promise – because God has ALREADY done a great work in my life.. 

God is great because a long time ago..  there was a cross and the son of God hung on it..  and because on that cross and through the resurrection of Christ Jesus..  I was redeemed. 

God redeemed me on that cross  and that is why He is a Great God. 

When things don’t go my way..  God is still a great God

When things do go my way… God is Great

When I am in the valley, or on the mountain..  God is great. 

Whether I am mourning or rejoicing..  God is great.

God is great because of what happened on the cross and in a tomb and in my heart. 



How Great is our God, Sing with meDSC_0314

How great is our God, We all will Sing


How Great, How Great..  is our God



Off to clean…  Smile

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