
sunny monday

Here's some updates!

Baby is doing well. We had our monthly 20 week appt last friday - all is going very well! my blood pressure is good.. weight is good.. heart beat of the baby is in the mid 140's! :) I am starting to feel the baby moving more and more - usually after 8:00 at night he/she gets really active! It's def. awesome to feel all this movement and to know the baby is healthy. We are halfway there - can you believe it?

Shed is just about finished! we have doors and a lock and windows! Now, we're moving thigns into it so we can get the standing additions torn down for the new addition! The new addition should be starting in the next few weeks! Can't wait. :)

John is down in Baltimore today doing measurements and estimates for 2 really big jobs! yea!! God just keeps providing work for him and it's so exciting. Of course - soon John is going to need to hire someone to help him.. we'll see what happens.

Snickers got fixed on thursday. it was traumatic for me.. but she seems to be doing well. Finally today she's sa bit more lovey and energetic. Mostly she's been sleeping. And following Felix around..

I should post pics soon of my growing belly! :)

1 comment:

The Myers' Family said...

Glad to hear that things are going well with everything!