
Happy Things


The last few weeks have been hard.  Really hard..  like on our knees at ALL times praying hard.  But God, like God is, has been faithful.  Always faithful. 

Powerfully Faithful
Lovingly Faithful
Graciously Faithful
Mercifully Faithful

So much of His faithfulness we do not deserve, there is no reason for it, we have not earned it.  And YET..

God loves.  God gives.  God sustains.  God IS.  Always IS.  Thank You God. 

Thank you God for happy things..  things like

new babies..  Gracie Lou we love you and are so glad you are here!

MOPS fellowship.  Good to be there today, to talk, to listen, to smile, so simply BE

heaters to warm my toes, hands, nose! 

my little black kitty cat who is always where I am trying to snuggle

kids singing LOUDLY about the B I B L E.  Love it!

Happy Things..  in the midst of hard things.  And God is good. 

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