

We talked on Friday with the girls in the YoungMOMS bible study about JOY. 

Not Happiness, but JOY

see, Happiness is here or there, it’s temporary, it’s changing, it’s circumstantial, it’s disappointing. 

but JOY, joy can be constant, it can bring hope, it’s unchanging, it is NOT based on circumstances. 

Let me say that again…  Joy is not based on what is going on in my life – either good or…. not so good. 

Joy is based on knowing that I am loved by Christ Jesus.  Joy comes from knowing that God is God – always…. 

Joy in Christ can get us through those times that seem hard, that don’t make sense, that bring us to our knees in absolute surrender. 

Joy is knowing that God has something better planned for us, something good, something eternal. 

Like Paul who rejoiced while in prison – because God is still God, I can rejoice when I’m tired, when I don’t feel well, when I’m frustrated, when I’m questioning, when I’m angry, when I’m feeling hopeless, when I am not happy… 

And for those who know Christ or who want to know Him, we can be full of JOY at all times, regardless of what is going on because God is with us, and God loves us and God has a plan for us.  And therein lies our JOY – in God, in the God who sent his son to die on a cross for our sins.  Our Joy lies in the God who created us – every detail of who we are…  Our Joy lies in the God who carries our burdens and sings are praises and who calls us to him to worship and praise and give thanks. 

Where does your JOY lie? 

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