
thoughts- bullet style!

Want to know what I'm thinking?

* I'm wondering if my dark haired little girl is going to turn blonde this summer from the sun.

* I'm thinking of going to the pool later and trying not to be insanely jealous.... bitter... irritated w/ the other mothers who show with their brood of kids - in their little bikini's...

* I'm thinking of the fruits of the spirit and the bible study that I'll have tomorrow with 3 young woman who have been through so much more then I have. And I"m praying for them and for the converations we'll have tomorrow as we talk about how Christ loves us! Pray for me? (and them?)

* I'm thinking about how yesterday I cleaned up all the toys and today - they are strewn across the downstairs already... again...

* My confirmands... and the confirmation service this Sunday. They are leading and it's going to be great! After some practice of course.... :)

* These sweet petunia's...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwhhh hannah and asher ar soo cute