
windows and a door

This week has been a week of waiting.. for windows, inspection.. the plumber was busy again though - hooking up more pikes and getting the bathroom ready for showers, sinks, toilets.. Finally today though the windows showed up bright and early and are in!! And we have a door - we'll paint or stain the door.. the roof got finished last week.. next week will be insulation and dry wall!!! We ordered our floor.. and are working on picking out the kitchen.. it's been quite busy around here!!

Here are some of the latest pics.. - oh and we have a sidewalk and a patio outback now too! yippee!

new sidewalk....

back of addition w/ windows and a door... and the patio!
inside pic of door and windows...

that far end is where the kitchen will be...

that end is where the family room will be..

On a seperate note.. I went before Presbytery on Tuesday to read my statement of motivation -this allowed me to be voted on in regards to becoming a candidate for ordination in the Presbyterian Church. Normally I hear they ask loads of questions... So I was very much prepared!! i got nothing... no questions.. it was easy!!! :) And now I'm a candidate for ordination... Who knows when actual ordination will occur but it's nice getting some of these steps out of the way...

1 comment:

The Rhoads said...

The addition looks nice! It must be fun picking out the kitchen! Congrats on getting closer to being ordained! Where are you looking to become a pastor?